As a homeowner, keeping your family safe and healthy is a top priority. With some jobs moving to flexible work schedules, many of us are spending more and more time at home these days. Boost wellness and make your living spaces safer with these upgrades for a healthier home.

Upgrades for a Healthier Home: Water Filter

Clean, fresh drinking water is healthier for your family and tastes better. Order a water-quality test or ask for a recent report from your local utility. When you know what contaminants are in your drinking water, you’ll be better informed when shopping for a filter.

Filters are available that attach to a faucet or to the plumbing beneath the sink. You might choose a pitcher filter for clean drinking water or a whole-house filter that provides purified water to all of your faucets.

Choose VOC-Free Paints

If you’re painting a room or an accent wall, purchase paints with low- or no-VOCs. VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are chemicals that are present in many household products and building supplies.

Plywood, paint, household cleaners, and particleboard furniture are just a few of the products that can off-gas VOCs. Some of these compounds cause itchy or watery eyes, a scratchy throat, and headaches, and can even affect the liver and kidneys. When choosing building materials to upgrade your home, look for safer products.

Test for Radon

Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that is dangerous when it builds up in the home. It forms when uranium breaks down in the soil and can seep into your home through cracks and gaps in your foundation. Prolonged exposure can lead to lung cancer, as radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.

Hire a professional to test your home for radon. If high levels are found, a radon professional can design a mitigation system for your house. This system will circulate radon out of the home and lower the levels of the gas indoors.

Upgrade to a Whole-House Dehumidifier for a Healthier Home

If humidity is an issue in your home, you may see mold growth and condensation on floors and windows. A dehumidifier helps reduce moisture in specific rooms, but if it’s a concern throughout the home, consider installing a whole-house dehumidifier. This system can be fitted to work with your HVAC unit and will lower humidity throughout the house.

Premier Inspection Services provides home inspections and water testing in upstate New York. Contact us to schedule an appointment.